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St Geniez d'Olt et d'Aubrac: an appealing town Life and society are changing.


'What was true yesterday is no longer valid today. Out of the ordinary situations such as the Covid-19 pandemic have shown our fragility. People have realised that living together is a benefit. Small towns like St Geniez d'Olt et d'Aubrac offer authentic values, ones that are connected to living well, and to a relaxed style that combines time and place. Everyone knows that Aveyron is a welcoming region. The town has been able to match that image. Its historical past, its heritage, its shops, and its artisans give locals and tourists a modern and coherent offer: a group of health and social infrastructures, a selection of nature based activities and of cultural facilities where relaxation and rest are the focus of. The town welcomes new inhabitants who are delighted to find a dynamic economy, renowned events, and the proverbial tranquillity. In those conditions, its location in the North Aveyron in the Aubrac region and as a member of the Parc Naturel Régional de l'Aubrac is a passport to nature and to to a high quality of life for all of us.'

Marc BORIES, Mayor.